Os Cardigans são uma das bandas que mais gosto. Não só prque marcam uma fase da minha vida muito importante mas porque, devem ser o único grupo no mundo que edita uma música cujo título tem pontuação (opinião partilhada com a minha amiga da blogosfera SR). Reparem no requinte do título do novo single dos Cardigans: “I Need Some Fine Wine And You, You Need To Be Nicer”. Maravilhoso!!! Agora digam-me: O que hei-de perguntar na entrevista de amanhã sendo que eles têm músicas como este “Communication”? Nada não é? Está tudo dito.
For 27 years I’ve been trying to believe and confide in
Different people I’ve found.
Some of them got closer then others
Some wouldn’t even bother and then you came around
I didn’t really know what to call you, you didn’t know me at all
But I was happy to explain.
I never really knew how to move you
So I tried to intrude through the little holes in your vanes
And I saw you
But that’s not an invitation
That’s all I get
If this is communication
I disconnect
I’ve seen you, I know you
But I don’t know
How to connect, so I disconnect
You always seem to know where to find me and I’m still here behind you
In the corner of your eye.
I’ll never really learn how the love you
But I know that I love you through the hole in the sky.