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Pecado da Preguiça

From the flats and the maisonettes they're reminding us there's things to be done. But you and me, all we want to be is lazy. --- pecadodapreguica(arroba)gmail.com

Thursday, May 10, 2007

And now, your room of zen (1)

Juro que acabei de ler isto num anúncio a pedir housemates para Nova Iorque, algures entre o "tem de lavar a loiça" e "não pode ter animais de estimação":

Litmus test*: In one paragraph or less describe your attitude towards the Daily Show with John Stewart and/or the Colbert Report.

Hum? Bom, ao menos já gosto deles!

*= Litmus Test (language), An English colloquialism: any kind of social indicator used to classify someone either favorably or unfavorably.


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