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Pecado da Preguiça

From the flats and the maisonettes they're reminding us there's things to be done. But you and me, all we want to be is lazy. --- pecadodapreguica(arroba)gmail.com

Monday, December 05, 2005

Feliz Natal

Daniel: So what's the problem, Sammy-o? Is it just Mum or is it something else? Maybe... school - are you being bullied? Or is it something worse? Can you give me any clues at all?
Sam: You really want to know?
Daniel: I really want to know.
Sam: Even though you won't be able to do anything to help?
Daniel: Even if that's the case, yeah.
Sam: OK. The truth is actually... I'm in love.
Daniel: Sorry?
Sam: I know I should be thinking about Mum all the time, and I am. But the truth is I'm in love and I was before she died, and there's nothing I can do about it.
Daniel: Aren't you a bit young to be in love?
Sam: No.
Daniel: Oh, OK, right. Well, I'm a little relieved.
Sam: Why?
Daniel: Well, you know - I thought it might be something worse.
Sam: Worse than the total agony of being in love?
Daniel: Oh. No, you're right. Yeah, total agony.


Blogger nspfa said...

Curiosamente, essa é uma das partes que mais gostei no filme e tinha acabado de dizer isso no blogue do pedro ribeiro quando li este teu. Sabes que vi o filme mais por frete, mas não é que acabei por gostar dele!Gosto quando assim acontece!

1:21 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Esta tb é uma das partes que mais gostei no filme...
Melhor só mm a cena do Mark bater à porta do Peter e declarar-se à Juliet...
'Mark: But for now, let me say - Without hope or agenda - Just because it's Christmas -(And at Christmas you tell the truth)- To me, you are perfect - And my wasted heart will love you - Until you look like this... -[picture of a mummy]- Merry Christmas'

Vitor, a menos que tenhas uma boa razão não tens desculpa...:P
Em td o caso eu tenho o DVD!;)

10:21 pm  

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