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Pecado da Preguiça

From the flats and the maisonettes they're reminding us there's things to be done. But you and me, all we want to be is lazy. --- pecadodapreguica(arroba)gmail.com

Monday, April 20, 2009

No Olimpo do amor

Max: Let's face facts, this was always a no-win situation. Anna's a goddess, you know what happens to mortals who get involved with gods.
William: Buggered, is it?
Max: Every time.

Só mesmo em “Notting Hill” é que um Deus se apaixonaria por um mortal ao ponto de casarem.


Blogger Pipoca dos Saltos Altos said...

Bem, eu ando desacreditada do Amor mas tu...vai lá vai. Ai, vais dizer que serias tu o Deus? Ahahah
Beijos gajo giro

10:56 pm  

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